
Cold Ashby Golf Centre

Sun 9
Course status  


Covid Policy
Diversity & Equality Policy

Slip! Slap! Swing!

We at Cold Ashby Golf Centre are proud to be recognised as a Sun Protection Accredited centre, having signed up to the Slip! Slap! Swing! sun protection campaign for golf.

This summer, as part of our overall duty of care, we will be raising awareness of sun protection, offering advice on how to reduce the risk of skin cancer to all our members, visitors and staff.

The campaign, devised by the Melanoma Fund, is backed by 11 major golf organisations.

We have joined a growing community of golf clubs who are taking the health of members seriously. Skin cancer is preventable, but is now at epidemic levels, so the question is if not, why not? If you wish to discuss this further, please speak to Peter Sparks our Sun Pro Ambassador.

Adverse Weather Policy

Cold Ashby Golf Centre is committed to providing and maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all our members, guests and employees.

To Ensure the aims, objectives and values of the club are met and all aspects of the law are observed, the following applies to all areas of the golf course, which includes the practice areas and driving range.

Adverse weather on the golf course is one of the many potential hazards golfers and members of the public will encounter on the course.

The fact the course has not been officially closed does not warrant that it is fit for play.

Players have a duty of care not to behave in such away that others may be injured by their actions. They also have a duty of care not to injure themselves therefore, golfers must take steps to ensure their own safety in adverse weather conditions.

Adverse weather is described as;





When any of the above conditions represent an unacceptable hazard to members and guests, the course will be closed or play suspended. This decision resides with;

- The Professional team

- Course Manager

- The General Manager

Closure of the course will be adequately displayed / communicated when possible.

Suspension of play will be notified by one prolonged note on an air horn (klaxon); play should be discontinued immediately and shelter should be sought.

The signal to resume play will be several short notes repeated on the air horn (klaxon)

Conditions & Recommendations

Thunder, Lighting and 30/30 Rule

30-60 people are struck by lightning each year in Britain and on average, 3 (5-10%) of those strikes are fatal.

People stuck by lightning are predominantly hit before and after the peak of the storm.

The 30/30 rule provides a good way of ensuring you are sheltering during the most risky parts of the storm.

If the flash to bang is 30 seconds in length or less you should seek shelter.

Staying inside this shelter is advised until 30 minutes past the last clap of thunder, this ensures relative safety from distant strikes at the beginning of the storm as lighting can travel up to 10 miles.

Seeking Shelter

Ideally, seek shelter in the clubhouse, keeping clear of wide open spaces and hilltops.

If the clubhouse is to far away, your best protection is to leave your clubs and crouch down in a bunker.

Do not shelter beneath tall or isolated trees, it has been estimated that one in four people struck by lightning are sheltering under trees.

Fog and Mist

Fog is distinguished from mist only by its density, resulting in a decrease in visibility to less than 1km, whereas mist reduces visibility to no less than 1km but less than 2 km.

Play shall not commence, or if underway shall stop, when visibility is reduced to less than 245 yards.

Whilst on the course, if fog descends and if play has not been suspended, the responsibility to continue play resides with the player. As a general rule you must be able to see a minimum of 245 yards.

Storms / Wind and Rain

In the unlikely event that playing conditions are such that heavy rain or high winds become an unacceptable hazard, the same procedure applies as for other adverse weather conditions.


Connect with us

Stanford Road, Cold Ashby , Northamptonshire, NN6 6EP
Telephone: 01604 740548

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