
Cold Ashby Golf Centre

Mon 27
Course status  

Local Rules

All games should be played according to the Rules of Golf issued by the Royal & Ancient Golf Club of St Andrews. In addition the following local rules apply:

1. Out of Bounds

(a) Over any boundary fence, hedge or ditch.

(b) The Clubhouse area including lawns and Car Park.

(c) The driving range.

2. Penalty Areas

(a) Penalty areas are marked with yellow posts.

(b) Red penalty areas are marked with red posts.

The area denoted as a penalty area is that which is below the general level of surrounding ground except on the 10th hole where the penalty area extends to the edge of the tarmac.

3. Immovable Obstructions

The following can be treated as immovable obstructions and relief may be taken under rule 24-2.

(a) Overhead line posts.

(b) Fixed course furniture, winter tee mats and their bases.

(c) Notice boards.

(d) All staked and banded trees.

(e) Sprinkler hoses, stop cocks, water pumps and the pump house.

(f) Drainage pipes and runnels in bunkers.

(g) The road to the clubhouse which is defined as the tarmac surface plus an area two club lengths on either side. EXCEPT for the penalty area on the 10th hole (see 2 above).

(h) All artificial paths.

4. Overhead Lines

Any ball striking an overhead line or its supporting post must be played again without penalty.

5. Moveable Obstructions

The following are moveable obstructions (Rule 24-1 applies).

(a) Stones in bunkers.

(b) Bunker rakes.

(c) Posts indicating suggested line of play.

(d) Posts indicating penalty areas.

6. Plugged Balls

Through the green, a plugged ball may be lifted, cleaned and dropped not nearer the hole, as near as possible to where the ball lay without improving its general lie.

7. Ground Under Repair

Players must take relief from ground under repair.

The following can be taken as ground under repair.

(a) Tracks made by green keeper's vehicles.

(b) Aeration holes on greens.

8. Distance Measuring Devices

Electronic measuring devices may be used in club competitions.


Connect with us

Stanford Road, Cold Ashby , Northamptonshire, NN6 6EP
Telephone: 01604 740548

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